Wednesday, July 28, 2004


I just came across this post by Ben Chorin.  I found it interesting and I think his point is an important one.  Money quote, "So for my part go right ahead and do aveiros. But please keep your hands off my religion. This is how we do it and if you don't like it, start your own damn religion." 

Aside from that point, which is the most important, something else he said struck a chord with me.  "What it comes down to is that I'm reasonably frum but I'm not at all religious."  This is a very important distinction, and one that isn't always noted in the frum world.  When it is noted, it's to frown on people who are one without the other.  The combination is viewed as essential to proper Yiddishkeit.  I think that this is silly.  The fact is that frumkeit is far more important than religiosity.  It seems to me that there is no essentially Jewish Theology.  People often mention the Rambam's 13 principles as the pillars of Jewish belief, but in most batei midrash you can also find R. Josef Albo's Sefer HaIkarim, which disputes the thirteen principles.  R. Albo was no cofer.  Why does this matter?  I have no idea.  When I've worked out a decent framework for understanding it, I'll let you know.

UPDATE:  By the way, I don't really have an opinion on the women's laining issue, mostly because it doesn't effect me so I don't care at all.  One day I'll have a wife, and she'll make up my mind on issues like that. 


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