Mmmmm.... Baked Goods
Treppenwitz has a little photo essay in praise of מגדנית פאר, which is, in my humble opinion, the best bakery, bar none, in Jerusalem. I reccomend that anybody who can, check it out.
a·vun·cu·lar adj. 1) Of or having to do with an uncle. 2)Regarded as characteristic of an uncle, especially in benevolence or tolerance. Doing my BA in History and Jewish Studies at McGill University. Adairian at juno dot com
Treppenwitz has a little photo essay in praise of מגדנית פאר, which is, in my humble opinion, the best bakery, bar none, in Jerusalem. I reccomend that anybody who can, check it out.
Wow, thanks for the mention and the link. I had no idea this little hole-in-the-wall place was so well known! :-)
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